Dr. Judith R. Davidson, Ph.D., C.Psych. is a scientist-clinician in the area of sleep. With a background in community health and clinical psychology, she has worked in the field since 1981. Judith received certification in behavioural sleep medicine from the European Sleep Research Society in 2012 with the designation “Somnologist.” Her research and clinical work focus on the most common sleep disorder—insomnia—and its treatment. Judith is an adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at Queen’s University where she trains clinical graduate students and health professionals in the treatment of sleep disorders. Over the years, she has regularly published peer-reviewed research and collaborates with other Canadian and international researchers. She translates research knowledge to clinical practice and education. She wrote the popular book: Sink into Sleep, now in its 2nd edition. Through writing, research, teaching and speaking, Judith is working to enhance Canadians’ access to information about sleep and to effective treatments for insomnia.